Hoaaamm gini ceritanya alesan saya nulis motivation letter ini, jadi saya dari dulu pingin join banget di AIESEC kayanya AIESEC organisasi dimana jadi wadah manusia- manusia yang pola pikirnya macem- macem, sebenernya alasan utamanya bukan itu wkwkwkwkw, saya sebenernya pingin ikut di exchange programnya AIESEC, di formnya sih saya milih Rusia, China, sama Turki. Kenapaaaa??
Rusia kayanya punya banyak hal yang belum banyak orang tau, ntah itu dari segi budaya, wisata, atau seni.
Chinaaaa... sebenernya sih untuk china saya cuma mau liat apa china se WAH yang orang- orang bilang. saya cuma mau tau pola hidup mereka seperti apa.
Yes! Pilihan terakir tapi yang utama itu Turki! Kenapa? I think turkey have a beautiful cities. yoaaay siapa sih yang ga tau Istanbul? Kota yang arsitekturnya bagus banget :o
Naaahh yang ga terlalu tau AIESEC pasti nanya "Ko milih itu jol? kenapa ga milih di U.K? Inggris!! Kamu kan mau banget kesana" naaahh ini jawaban atas pertanyaan itu, Berhubung saya di AIESEC ngambil Global Community Development Program jadi exchange disini lebih untuk kerja di salah satu institusi atau perusahaan tapi di negara yang kebanyakan berkembang, tapi ga menutup kemungkinan juga di negara maju, ada tapi biasanya sedikit bahkan kadang ga ada project di negara maju itu.
Oke singkat cerita ini nih motivation letter yang saya buat, yaaaa cuma nulis apa yang ada di otak aja sih HAHAHAHAHA.........
Dear AIESEC Local Commitee
Herewith, I would like to give
you my motivation and reasons why I am interested to join this Global Community
Development Program to become the one of volunteer of Projects organized by
I’m a second- year undergraduate’s
student studying Tourism Marketing Management in one of State Universities in Bandung and hopefully will be receiving
my undergraduate’s degree in 2015. My activity in university I’ve learning
about new knowledge that I never know before, especially about Tourism,
Business and Global Problem of natural resources and Human resources also.
I have a big ambition in my life.
It is to be a Tourism Ambassadors who care about Tourism witch includes an Environment,
culture, and art especially in Indonesia. Basicly I love to learn about it so I
want to have a job that discuss about problem and solve about it. Because as I know
we have a lot problem about tourism in Indonesia, example about how to manage a
tourism destination that can be a most popular destination in the world but not
make an Environment and Culture contaminated or broken.
I am keenly interested in
acquiring new experience and hopefully can get a new skills from a project that
I take in AIESEC. From the many experiences that I have obtained, I hope that I
can apply many of the skill and knowledge I have learned in this organization
and project that I’ve do. For this reason I want to join in global community
development program to open up my opportunities to do project and working in a
companies or institutions in a foreign, have experience and can learning from
the problem that I get and will be critical person for get a solve. And certainly
I will prepare to build the relationship with all member so I can sharing and
discuss about the project with them.
With the spirit of participatory
tourism, I believe that I can do a project as good as I can. All these
activities will improve myself and make me more mature and have a critical
think than before. I always enjoy working in new environment and new peoples because
everyone actually have a different think with me so I can widen my knowledge
about anything from a discussion.
In conclusion, I certain that
because I’m hard working, organized person, and always open to sharing anything.
I can prove to be a good worker in a one of projects of AIESEC. Thank you for
your time and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Naaahhh itu tuh motivation letter yang bener- bener ngacapruk. Masalah keterima atau engga at least saya udah nyoba, kalo ga lolos ya coba lagi lagi lagi lagi sampe lolos wkwkwkwkwk