Friday, October 11, 2013

The Awesome of Lovina, Bali.

I'm home now after finish my study in Phuket. And many things to do and now lets talk about my second home, Bali. Long time no see and laugh with Bali, I decided to back there just for make sure that i'm really ready for continue my study in Bandung but actually i don't wanna force my self to do everything that i supposed to do ya ya!! ok ya! I know i must do that but i think i need something that can make me relax and do not think everything that make me depressed. I just need break time just for a while. So! I decided for go back to Ubud with a lot of plan that i had.

So, say hello to Ubud!!!

I just go to bed than think where i wanna go tomorrow and i decided to go to Lovina, Singaraja, the northern of Bali. Its take 3 hours journey. Its really long way but i feel so excited as long as i enjoy the way it was awesome way with hill and city view and every part and street had a different atmosphere kind of the magic of different Bali.
3 hours journey with uphill and downhill way a lot of new construction street project and different climate and finally we arrived in Singaraja city. The think in my mind when i see this city is NETHERLANDS! why? Because the old building, the atmosphere, and the style of the main street its really different with another part in Bali. 

If we see this picture it is quite different with usually of Bali.

So, after Singaraja lest move on to Lovina the main destination. Lovina is mean Love INA or Love Indonesia. Ehhmmm actually i just read i Surfer Girl Fan Page about Lovina hahahah. I thing this place is match for someone who wanna get a real of relaxation without traffic, mass tourism, noisy situation, or whatever about the things that usually tourist do in southern. And another thing is Singaraja really affordable living cost and you know I ate seafood for a crazy portion with many kind of seafood and fish with GREAT PRICE!!! The characteristic of the beach is black sand with some coral, a quite wave, and usually this part of beach is just for hunting Dolphin in the early morning (around 05.00-05.30) , so that is why in this beach had a lot of a 'jukung' (traditional boat). And the reason why I came to Lovina is for watching Dolphin!!! but unfortunately the weather is not too good at that time, a big debit of wind make me feel not sure for go to middle of the sea for hunting the cute animal in the sea. So I decided for swimming and FYI my hotel is had a great view and facility its kind of a 'private beach' so the room is had a direct connection to the beach, what an awesome place! And I promise if i come back to Bali i'll go to Lovina again! So over all i really satisfied with this trip and this one of my favorite trip while i'm stay in Bali for many time.

another side of Singaraja (this place is ex harbor of Buleleng)

Sunset and i take this picture in the front of my room.

So, what are u waiting for? Just plan your trip and lets get there and feel another side of Bali. I'm waiting u there! have a good day! See ya!! ;)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bandung! Here I come!

Finally, I finished my lecture in this semester. Feel happy soooo much coz finally i'll go back home at 13th September (actually it should be at 20th September, but bcoz my class start already in UPI so thats why!).
I dont know what should i write here. I just cant sleep tonigh and check my stuff make sure that i dont forget to buy  or bring something.

But alot of things that I'm not doing yet while I'm staying here, EXAMPLE! maybe some of people who come to Phuket will go to Phi Phi island for sure but not me! I dont know why I'm not go there. The first thing is when I have time but I dont have money and the second time when I have money but  dont have time, but never regrets that at least i have a lot of destination that i visited (I will explain it one by one someday hahahahaha).

Lately Phuket always raining its not heavy but its raining all day long. Just hope it would be stooopp!!

And now i dont know what should i write. haaahhh Tired!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Japanese is The Best Thing When I Stay In Phuket

TIME REALLY FLIES SO FAST! Its 2 month already and finally Japanese Go back! 20 July 2013.
When first time i met with my room mate in PSU i just surprised that i got some awesome 'welcome care' from Karen Isomine, the girl who really love sepak takraw and Lionel Messi. She gave me some cookies and cute welcome note in my desk and gave me cute hello kitty stuff. Its damn really cute. I was happy had a room mate like karen. She had a great taste of music and the best thing when its same like me! I just feel that we really match! We faces many problem here, really many, but we just take it really easy. Karen also always proudly introduce my self to her japanese friend and teacher just bcos of i able so speak japanese hahahaha. BAKA!!!! Karen always understand me, she always know what i need. She know me so well even we just know each other for a short time, but i felt we know each other for a long time. We do manythings, eat ice cream, joke, singing, dance, and laughing for no reason everyday. And she always ask me for wake her up in the morning bcos she doesnt have alarm. HAHAHAHA. Many things funny when we stay together.

And another thing is when i met with Maaya Kawasaki and Akane Takahasi. They are is really- really funny and cute. I really like them, they always make me laughing and always listen me and do something fool together. Maaya is like my sister she had a good taste of joke, she was make me have a high motivation for make i loss my weight HAHAHA. And Akane is like my mother, she awalys give me snack or food when im hungry, and Akane perfect make me fat, fat, and fat again! HAHAHAHA.

My lovely Babi!!! <3

The other one is Maki Otomo! Maki is good for playing Badminton, she's cute and she's always fitness with me hahaha. Then Mizuki Iida, I call her Chibi Maruko- chan she was cute i like her voice i like her style i like her hair, she's so really cute hahaha
Mizuki & Maki >.<
Then, Naho Tsuruta, she's realy realy realy cute and beautiful i like her voice and body shape also! I like when she talking with me, she's so cute... Then Ayaka Kikuchi, I call her Junior High school student bcos she was look like JHS student so small and cute also, she's really like cat, if there's a cat in dorm ayaka always accompany the cat and give them milk -,-. They are make this dorm ALIVE! And quite noisy hahaha...

Ah ya! The other is Tomohiro Kohno and Shota Matsubara. They are hounto ni kawaii tp kakkoi dessssuuu!!! HAHAHAHAHA Btw FYI Tomohiro went to Ubud, Bali hahaha. So I just hope that all Japanese can go to Ubud also, with meeee!!

Shota.. hmmmm oke hmmm aahhh!! :)))


2 weeks together just feel so so with them but 1 month make me had a more feeling to them, i enjoy with them, i used to enjoy this dorm with loudly voice. And used to listen "atsuiiiii!!" HAHAHAH. We really do a lot funny activities this is what we do if we meet HAHAHA

Akane do something in my hair, it was cute and i think bcos of her brother is hair stylist hahaha. Kawaii!!


 Gossip Girl HAHAHA


 This when i put cloth basket to her body, bcos she say that she was skinny HAHAHA.

I dont know what we are doing, but its really fun HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Remember when Karen leave me for go to Bangkok, i just feel so lonely huhuhuhu. But now i really really alone in this room, without japanese conversation, japanese music, japanese movie. I'll miss the already especially Karen. I just regrets bcos when Karen stay here im not spend a lot time to go outside campus or dinner together, i really really regrets it!

But time flies realy realy realy fast! Now, today is the the day that i HATE! The will go back to Japan. Today i got a lot of present and 'love letter' from Japanese. Its perfectly make me sad and cry. I love them and i dont wanna the leave this dorm. They so great friends. I just shock they really really care of me, they gave me manythings. And its make me didnt want them go back to Japan. :'(

And, its love letter from them. *CRY TIME !! T________________T

And, its HALF of present that they gave to me, its just snack and food, i had a lot stuff that i got from them, t shirt, sweater, jacket, slipers, shocks, doll, passport case, bag, holder, book, body care product  AAANNNDD MANY MORE!!! :'D

And this is Karen! Kumamon! She said that when she go back to Japan, kumamon will accompany me in my desk and i can call kumamon as Karen :')

I really enjoy the time with them, and i promise will go to JAPAN! And with with them and also go to Disneyland Tokyo together. Wait me there! I love u so much guys! Thx for great memories that u gave to me. <3


Friday, June 14, 2013

Hello My New Life !!

Time flies so fast and its almost 1 month far from home, parents, best friend, and comfort zone. First time arrived here I just hope my life would be great here, actually i just worry stay here at the first week, worries no friend except Dita and Ricky, uncomfortable room, bad weather, and many things!! BUT! How lucky i am because I have many good friends here Japanese, Finland, German, Thai, Cambodian, and Indosian also. They are so Great especially Karen the Japanese who stay in my room.

She is my room mate now. She's so kind, funny, and pleasure. Somethimes She's noisy girl (like me wkwk) but for me she's good room mate and really match with my personality. I love joke and she also, i love eat anything and our refrigerator is full of food and drink, i love music and the taste of her music is similiar like me, perfect! We always sharing music refrences, turn on iPod and iTunes and the world is mine! hahaha. She also always teach me basic japanese and introduce me to her japanese friend in thai and japan by skype or directly. And happy to be me because they are like me, and the funny things is the reason why they like me is because i can speak japanese HAHAHAHAHA.

And i really thanks to Indy, Man and Mini who acompany me when i just arrived in phuket, if there's no them maybe my day will be bad, no internet connection in my phone, dont know recommended restaurant and many things, they really really help us here and take care of us. I really love them :')

I enjoy in this place, new friends new family new atmosphere and manythings new. My study here was nice! The kind and nice teacher, funny friends, cheap food, great thai tea, green tea, hahahahaha i really love all food here. But the thing changes is i hate pork here! Smells really bad! I hate it!

But over all I love Prince Songka University and all inside! My life would be great here! I believe! Just survive for this trismester!! GO GO GO!!!