Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bandung! Here I come!

Finally, I finished my lecture in this semester. Feel happy soooo much coz finally i'll go back home at 13th September (actually it should be at 20th September, but bcoz my class start already in UPI so thats why!).
I dont know what should i write here. I just cant sleep tonigh and check my stuff make sure that i dont forget to buy  or bring something.

But alot of things that I'm not doing yet while I'm staying here, EXAMPLE! maybe some of people who come to Phuket will go to Phi Phi island for sure but not me! I dont know why I'm not go there. The first thing is when I have time but I dont have money and the second time when I have money but  dont have time, but never regrets that at least i have a lot of destination that i visited (I will explain it one by one someday hahahahaha).

Lately Phuket always raining its not heavy but its raining all day long. Just hope it would be stooopp!!

And now i dont know what should i write. haaahhh Tired!!!

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