Thursday, October 9, 2014

Try your "NetherIndo" taste in BLOEMEN Kedai Rumah, Bandung

Bandung always famous because of the awesome food and drink, you can get what you looking for or something that you never try before, food is equally important, and many cafes, resto, warung, (or whatever) definitely know how to serve up brilliant meal.
Now I will tell you one of my favorite place to have a brunch or tea time but actually it would be OK if you want to lunch or even dinner. The resto named "Bloemen Kedai Rumah".

The first impression of this resto is so "Holland-taste" the building and even the furniture and also the environment bring me to Netherlands-era in 19 century of Bandung city.
The gate


if you see, there is a mini bar inside.

The range price start from Rp. 10.000 ($1) - Rp. 80.000 ($8) and they have a reasonable price definitely, and here the food and beverage that ordered by me.

Potato lovers? Try this!!! It was totally great! BAKED POTATO!! The potatoes just melt in my mouth and covered by best cheese sauce. awwwwww....

And the fresh MOJITO MINT.

I ordered those stuff because I just have a meal in another place and just wanna chill out (tea time) in the middle of a hectic working day. But if you wanna try another food that would be great especially the Lamb Steak and another steak. 

This corner is the best space for me, you can also use that piano anyway. ;)

Over all this restaurant was great I LOVE IT! So do not be hesitate to try this 'KEDAI'.

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